When Will the World End hiccup More Natural Cures for Disease
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Hiccup cures and what causes them. Cure for hiccups. This easy and natural remedy for hiccups can be done anytime and place. You don't need anything special to stop hiccups. Easy instructions on how to stop your hiccups instantly.
Hiccups are caused by a sudden rush of air into the lungs that causes the vocal chords to close, which in turn creates a "hic" sound. The hiccup happens involuntary and can be embarrassing in public places.
The cause of the rush of air into the lungs resulting in hiccups isn't really understood. It can happen after eating to fast or something really dry that might tend to stick on its way down like a plain piece of bread. There are also medical reasons for hiccups. If your hiccup episodes are persistent or last a long time your should get a check up from your doctor.
But whatever the cause there is a simple and handy way to stop it. One of the best hiccup remedies is this:
Hiccups need air rushing into the lungs to function. As soon as your next hiccup episode starts, breathe in as much as you can. Fill your lungs to full capacity so they can't take in anymore and them hold your breath pass the time of the next hiccup. The hiccup can't happen without that rush of air entering your lungs. Once it passes the time for the next hiccup spasm without hiccuping the spasms stop. Rarely will you have to repeat this natural cure.
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