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I would like someone to try this possible cure (actually a control) for Irritable Bowel. I haven't been diagnosed with IBS, but have all the symptoms. Waiting outside the bathroom barely holding on till someone gets out. Embarrassing moments in town and more
This is a simple natural cure for Irritable Bowel. This remedy needs to be tested to see if it works for you. This could change your life and should make Irritable Bowel something that can be easily lived with. Be sure and bookmark this page so you can come back and report your results for others to see. (Email at bottom of page)
A few years ago I accidentally discovered something that controls it for me. I now go when it is convenience for me. This happened when I read that we need more water in our diet. My husband and I now get plenty of water and one side affect is control over Irritable Bowl.
Here is what you do:
The first thing in the morning, at least ½ hour before breakfast, you drink around 40 ounces (5 cups or more) of warm water. (My husband drinks more, so a guy probably needs more) Drink it pretty fast, within 5 minutes. This will cause your system to clean out within a short time (unless it is one of your constipation days). In the afternoon drink another 40 ounces (doesn't have to be warm) to keep hydrated, but this water usually won't cause your system to clean.
What I have found is that I clean out each morning and don't go again for the rest of the day. Your system cleans while you are safely home and when it is convenience for you.
Other Natural Remedies for Irritable Bowl
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Susan Dietel
Web Programmer