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Our Daily Bread Devotionals for people on the go. Short daily Christ filled Devotionals from the Bible. Christians devotionals. Our daily bread devotional online. Includes short video devotionals and inspirational devotional reading you can receive everyday in your email. These Words of encouragement will help you get through your day. Daily, Advent, Christmas Devotions too.
We do well to pause each day and do some communicating with our Heavenly Father. The communicating should be part prayer and Bible study. Without this each day we will find ourselves drifting away from Jesus. What we take in, is what we become. If we fill our days with TV, Internet and everything but Christ we will soon find ourselves not even Christians anymore. However Jesus won't allow us to drift away without a fight, He will awaken us morning by morning to hear and learn. (Isaiah 50:4) And if we don't resist Him we will grow closer and be changed into His image
Photo used under Creative Commons from Chris Yarzab
Short 1 to 2 minute videos Short 1 to 2 minute video devotionals that will be a great blessing to you, your family, and your friends. These devotionals are brought to you from White House Media, which Is a Christian ministry that is sharing the gospel through the Internet, Radio, TV and other sources. There is quite a large selection of devotionals now and it keeps growing as more are added. Keep checking back to find more.To get to these devotionals click on this link: Short 1 to 2 minute video devotionals
Our Daily Bread Devotionals Dial Daily Bread is a Christian devotional you can receive everyday in your email. These daily Bible readings are full of good news and will uplift you and help bring you closer to Jesus. "Blessed are they who hunger and thirst after righteousness" (Mt 5:6)Sign up here to get your daily email devotionals:
Dial Daily Bread
Tiny Devotionals for Adults (Kids too) These are short tiny devotionals for adults. Also "Just for Kids" devotionals too. Pastor Bradshaw and It Is Written's other international speakers reach millions of people in 143 countries every week.
To get to these devotionals click on this link: Short 1 minute video devotionals
Short Video Devotionals Do you have questions that you would like to ask God? For instance, why is there so much evil in our world? Why am I suffering? These vital questions can be answered.
Find these answers at: short video devotionals
Love Makes a Way: Walking with Jesus from Eden to Eternity: A Daily Devotional I personally have read this book and was impressed on how good it was. I Highly recommend it.
Daily Bread Devotionals - the history of heaven and earth from start to finish.Commissions Earned
Susan Dietel
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